
ОРУ.JPGPreparation of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” electric grid facilities for the forthcoming autumn-winter period (AWP) is carried out up to schedule. Last meeting of the Staff on autumn-winter period of preparation in the Moscow Area government had the agenda about the work performed by the energy, housing and public services enterprises.

Work of the Staff was head by the Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Area government Dmitry Pestov, who noticed satisfactory preparation of the power grid complex companies, in particular, MOESK. According to Dmitry Pestov, all planned works of preparation in the Moscow Area infrastructural facilities for the forthcoming autumn-winter period should be completed by September the 15th. “Head of the region A.Y. Vorob’yov personally controls this task accomplishment. Thus, according to the reports coming to the Moscow Region Government from the power grid companies and Moscow Region municipal unions, preparation for the autumn-winter period of 2013/2014 years is carried out up to schedule, no failures and violations detected,” Dmitry Pestov said.

According to the authorities, for today readiness for forthcoming AWP is nearby 40%.

According to the Engineering Support and Repairs Administration of JSC "MOESK", a complex of actions related with preparation for operations during the maximum loadings is carried out according to the annually confirmed repair and investment programs. The main amount of works are planned to be completed in the third quarter. The special attention is also paid to personnel relations, including carrying out of joint trainings, working off the actions in case of an emergency situation, re-skilling and improvement of employee education level.