
In the first half of 2013, the email and telephone hotline of JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" (MOESK) received 1,559 addresses from individuals and organizations.

Consultations were given on 1,338 addresses in an expedient manner. Besides, 221 addresses were considered and recorded in the register in the prescribed manner. Most of them are associated with the failure to comply with time line under grid connection agreements - 36 addresses (16.2%) and violation of the time lines for consideration of applications for GC - 66 addresses (29.8%).

Percentage of complaints about illegal connection to grids is relatively high - 35 addresses (15.8%), and complaints against employees of JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" - 33 addresses (14.9%).

According to the statistics on the work of the MOESK helpline, compared with the second half of 2012, there is an increase in the number of received addresses by 23%. Experts of MOESK attribute this to the increased activity of users of online resources and improvement of the system of cooperation with customers.

The Company strictly monitors compliance with deadlines of processing received addresses in the e-mail and telephone hotline - not more than 30 days of the moment of applying till the moment of sending a response to an applicant. Let us note that the norms of processing received complaints are approved in the respective Regulation of JSC "MOESK", and the specialists of the company should inform the citizens of this in order to avoid confusion on timing of receiving a response to the obtained query.

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow Area can send their questions in the area of responsibility of JSC "MOESK" by email td@moesk.ru or helpline +7 (495)-983-16-41.
For reference:

Helpline has been operating in JSC "MOESK" since October 2011 as part of a set of measures to improve transparency and customer focus of the energy company. The goal is to improve the work with citizens’ addresses on issues of possible fraud, extortion and bribery, embezzlement and abuse of power and other offenses and symptoms of crime on the part of the Company employees, as well as on threat of preparation of probable terrorist, sabotage and other unlawful acts against power grid facilities.