
The branch of JSC "MOESK" - Eastern Electric Grids, in the framework of the program of the Temporary Acting Governor of the Moscow Region "Our Moscow Area" is actively working on reconstruction of the 110 kV substation (S) "Zatish’e" of the Electrostal group of substations.

S "Zatish’e" is one of the three existing substations that feed the city of Electrostal. The substation was originally built in 1973 for supply of power to the large enterprise of the nuclear industry – Electrostal Middle-Level Machine Building Plant, and later – household consumers of the eastern part of Elecrtostal, today the substation feeds four lines of 110 kV in voltage.

The substation equipment has been overaged for 40 years of service, in connection with this dismantlement of the concrete twin-reactor has been completed by now. The energy specialists of the eastern branch of MOESK will replace it by two modern reactors that meet parameters of power equipment, established new requirements of the seventh edition of the Rules of Electrical Devices, as well as Rules of Engineering Operation of Electric Power Plants and Grids of RF and other regulatory requirements.

In addition, the substation goes through replacement of 6 kV circuit breakers, busbars for new reactors in the reactor rooms and 6 kV outdoor switchgears and support rod insulation consisting of polymeric materials.

According to Sergei Shurov, Chief of the substations service, the advantage of new reactors consists in not only improvement of the installation process, but also safety and simplicity of maintenance, which, together with new technologies used in reconstruction will greatly enhance reliability of the substation equipment.

Consequently, improvement of quality and reliability of electricity transmission for both the main consumer of the feeding center - Middle-Level Machine Building Plant, and for one third of the population of the city of Electrostal will be the result of reconstruction of the substation "Zatish’e" in Elecrtostal.