
On 10.07.2013, Sergey Vel’myaykin, First Deputy Minister of Russia’s Labour Ministry, within the framework of the business meeting with the representatives of JSC "Russian Grids" (the majority shareholder of MOESK), Moscow United Electric Grid Company, sector trade union organizations, visited the production facilities of JSC "MOESK" in the south of the Moscow Area. This is the first visit of the management of the Russian Labor Ministry to the electric power enterprise in the course of the scheduled acquaintance with enterprises of various industries of the production complex of the Russian Federation.
The delegation, which also included Valery Korzh, Director of the Department of labor conditions and protection of the Labor and Social Protection Ministry of the Russian Federation, Arkady Zamoskovsky, Director General of the Association RaEl; Olga Zuikova, head of the Production Control and Safety Directorate of "Russian Grids"; Nadezhda Korotkova, Chief Technical Inspector of Labour of MAC (Moscow Area Committee) "Electroprofsoyuz" acquainted with the working conditions in the electric grid sector based on the example of the largest company in the Moscow Region - JSC "MOESK".
The event was attended by Anatoly Chegodaev, First Deputy Director General - Technical Director of JSC "MOESK"; Nadezhda Krenyova, Deputy Director General for Personnel Management; Natalia Shatalova, Director of the Occupational Safety Department; Mikhail Ezhokin, director of the branch "Southern Electric Grids"; Igor Makukha, head of the occupational safety service of JSC "MOESK"; Yury Kondrat’yev, chairman of the trade union committee of the branch SEG.

The meeting was attended by representatives of all the concerned services and units, whose task is labor protection, preservation of health and well-being of employees. The reports were delivered by the heads of the engineering unit and personnel management unit of JSC "MOESK" on the state of occupational safety and health, production renovation, ensuring of safe working conditions at the electric grid facilities, as well as in the areas of social policy pursued by the company.

Anatoly Chegodaev, technical director of JSC "MOESK" said in his welcoming speech that the company MOESK is the successor of the traditions of the Russian energy sector. The task in the field of occupational safety and health is to preserve the best of the achieved over the past decades, as well as implementation of new methods of safe operation and use of modern means of protection.


The costs for occupational safety in JSC "MOESK" in 2012 amounted to more than RUR 383 million; almost 50% of these funds were assigned to provide employees with personal protective equipment, RUR 90 million were assigned to prevention of occupational diseases, RUR 87 million – for general improvement of working conditions and prevention of accidents.

The Company implements social programs and activities in the field of health preservation, including: the program of social support for young professionals, housing policy, non-state pension coverage, insurance program.

In accordance with the visit program, the guests got acquainted with the work of the dispatching service of the Southern Electric Grids. The automated control complex will operate energy equipment of 146 substations of 35-110-220 kV in the responsibility are of the Southern Electric Grids in the near future. All the information about the state of energy equipment received in the control center is displayed on the video wall, created on the basis of 18 modules. Control will be performed by three dispatchers from automated workplaces (AWP), each of which is equipped with four monitors.

Familiarization with the work conditions of the teams during repairs of substation equipment, relay protection and automation, automated process control system was carried out at 110 kV "Severovo" S and "Fetischevo" S. The feeding centers where the equipment of various generations is installed optimal conditions are created for personnel in compliance with the rules of safe production.

Distribution grid facilities included in the visit route were the distribution center and transformer substation in the Moscow Electric Grids District and familiarization with the labor conditions of the staff at these facilities.

"Incredible as it may seem – the electric energy industry is a sector where both old and new equipment is used effectively. There is no any drastic contrast. It is evident that old equipment is renovated and replaced by new one gradually, repairs and reconstruction of various industrial facilities are carried out. And people feel this in a certain way as concern about working conditions and safety," Sergey Vel’myaykin said.

Summing up the results of the business visit, Deputy Minister of the Labour Ministry of Russia Sergey Vel’myaykin recommended applying the Labour Ministry with consolidated proposals of JSC "MOESK", JSC "Russian Grids", ORaEl:

- regarding a draft federal law on special evaluation of work conditions;
- regarding incorporation of amendments into Multi-sector Rules of Provision of Employees with Special Clothes, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment and Model Regulations (Order #340n of the Health Protection and Social Development Ministry dd. 25.04.2011).

Vel’myaykin S.F. charged Director of the Labor Conditions and Safety Department Korzh V.A. with monitoring of changes to the draft of the new Inter-sector Regulations for Labor Safety when Operating Electrical Units in the proposals of JSC "MOESK" regarding use of an electronic signature.

In conclusion, S.F. Vel’myaykin answered questions raised during the visit. According to Sergey Fyodorovich, the dialogue was constructive: the meetings of this kind allow to understand what problems people are concerned with and work together to resolve them.