
Following the performance in June 2013, energy specialists of JSC "MOESK" mark reduction in the number of damaged cable lines at sites in the area of responsibility of the branch Moscow Cable Grids (MCG).

May of this year showed a sharp increase in recorded injuries - by 45%. Specialists of MOESK attribute this to two factors.

First, conducting of excavations in the protected zones of cable lines: reconstruction of roadway parts, construction of transport hubs, exit highways and entrance “pockets” for public transport, laying of tile covering on sidewalks, yards illumination arrangement, etc. Specialists of MCG, subject to high social value of activities carried out in the shortest possible time provided the coordination of project documentation and the arrival of the operational personnel to site. Permits for work in the CL protection zone were issued rapidly. Despite the increased burden on the MCG personnel, a set of held measures ensured the maximum stable power supply to consumers in the repairs conditions.
MCG also note that often the excavation work is carried out without the approval of project documentation, with deviations from the approved projects and without inviting the grid company representatives. The result of uncoordinated actions is mechanical damage to cable lines during the works, and after a certain period of time. Lack of tamping the soil, poor quality or backfill, damages and micro cracks in the cable cover cause penetration of moisture into the cable, thereby reduces the dielectric strength of insulation and causing electrical breakdowns.

The second factor of the growth of damages in the MCG grids is natural conditions. In April and May of 2013 this was due to sharp changes in temperature and quick snow melting. The hot weather caused a rapid thawing of deeply frozen soil. Soil lowering was observed that, together with high humidity resulted in failure of lines.

"The staff of the branch of JSC "MOESK" Moscow Cable Grids, kept the situation under control,” the first deputy chief engineer of MCG Victoria Vostrosablinac said. “In June, energy specialists implemented corrective measures to reduce damage to cable lines, their number has decreased compared to the previous month by 23% from 1,305 to 1,006 pieces."

Moscow cable specialists managed to reduce the number of power breaks at consumers’ place in the city, and restoration of electricity supply, despite the weakened circuits was held within the normative periods of time.