
Heads of the Security Unit of JSC "MOESK" summed up the first half of 2013. According to the Deputy Director General in this area Valery Kadatskiy, during the expired period a number of important tasks were solved, and real results in the field of comprehensive security personnel and power facilities of the company were achieved.

DSC_0257.jpgThe procedure of categorization of MOESK facilities was held within the time frames established by RF constituent entities. 250 power units were subject to categorization in total, including 127 ones in Moscow with the annexed territories, and 123 facilities in the Moscow Area.

In the course survey of the facilities held by the interagency commissions, analysis of information, based on the study of the source data, as well as interviewing experts, "low category" of danger was awarded to 43 facilities. It was decided not to give a hazard category as to the remaining 207 power facilities.

Security certificates developed by the interagency commissions, certificates of categorization and examination of facilities of the Western Electric Grids were approved by the head of the entity of the fuel and energy complex and were submitted for approval by the Chairmen of the Antiterrorist Commissions of Moscow and the Moscow Area.

Measures were taken to bring the system of physical protection of categorized facilities into compliance with the requirements of Decision #458 of the Government of the Russian Federation dd. 05.05.2012 "On approval of rules to ensure security and anti-terrorist protection of the fuel and energy complex".

Inspection of technical means of protection of categorized sites were held for this purpose; based on their results, acts of state were compiled, which cover their compliance with the Rules to ensure security and anti-terrorist protection of the fuel and energy complex, depending on the assigned hazard category.

Calculations of costs of performance of the required work were made with their subsequent inclusion in the program of the investment (overhaul). A draft of the Plan of implementation of putting the TMP in compliance with the requirements was prepared.

As part of the investment program, reconstruction of perimeter fences were held at 23 substations, video surveillance and perimeter security warning system were installed at 18 facilities, alarm systems were installed at 40 power units, 8 facilities were equipped with videophones.

In addition, as to the branch of JSC "MOESK" Central electric grids, under the program of implementation of "Automated geographical distribution modular system of protection of perimeter control and equipment of high voltage power plants" (AGDMSPPCEHVPP), construction and installation works were completed at 57 substations, and works are continues at another 53.

DSC_0261.jpgAs part of creation of the integrated automation system of security management (IASSM), a signal from 32 substations was forwarded to the engineering center of the lowest level EC IASSM CEG. Construction works were started at EC of the middle level of JSC "MOESK" – the unified center of security management of JSC "MOESK."

For the purposes of monitoring and operational control of implementation of the program of implementation of AGDMSPPCEHVPP, a working group operates which was set up by order of the Director General of JSC "MOESK", which allows to increase the pace and quality of the work performed.

Physical protection covers 466 facilities of the Company. All facilities have regime security, the uniform permits and intra-facility regimes have been arranged and are maintained.

In the 1st half of 2013, 16 anti-sabotage and anti-terrorist exercise trainings were held. Employees of the MOESK Security Unit participated in 20 sessions of antiterrorist commissions in the Department of Fuel and Energy Economy of the city of Moscow, Energy Ministry of the Moscow Area and municipalities in the region. Security personnel of the branches of JSC "MOESK", together with the Internal Affairs Ministry of the Russian Federation, FSB of Russia and the Prosecutor's Office conducted 600 inspections of antiterrorist security of the facilities.