
In 2013, JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" (MOESK) continues implementation of development of projects in the field of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. This was announced by the company’s Director General Pyotr Sinyutin, speaking the previous day at the Second All-Russian Forum "Electromobiliada 2013". The event was arranged by JSC "Rossetti" (the majority shareholder of MOESK) and LLC "Revolt."

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Initiatives of the energy company, in addition to the pilot operation and networking of electric charging stations, within the framework of the implemented pilot project MOESK-EV (October 2011 - February 2013), in the current year are related with development of the corporate stock and public electric vehicles - electric buses. According to Pyotr Sinyutin, R&D program of JSC "MOESK" in 2013, provides for the development of a prototype of a charging station for ultrafast charging of electric buses, which differ significantly by higher capacity of batteries. Specialists of MOESK will be engaged in logistics of accommodation of needed charging stations and construction of the related infrastructure.

Let us remind that for today Rospatent has already approved MOESK’s application for the previously developed "smart" model of electric charging that can be integrated into the Smart Grid. In addition, the unique software was patented, which also meets the required performance requirements when working in the Smart Grid system.

The plans of this year include expansion of the corporate stock of electric vehicles of JSC "MOESK" for the needs of operational and emergency mobile teams, which will also require installation of new charging stations in the capital of the region. Purchase and operation of 16 electric vehicles Smith Electric Edison Panel Van as technological vehicles are planned for the branches of the company - Moscow Cable Grids and Central Electric Grids. Further plans include acquisition of up to 100 electric vehicles for different purposes each year.

"MOESK" also intends to act as the Technological Operator of the existing network of electric charging stations and continue to participate in projects related with development of the charging infrastructure in Moscow and the Moscow Area,” Andrey Snitsky, Director for IT, Strategy and Business Processes said at the forum. “The Company has the necessary technical base, competencies, as well as qualified personnel. We plan to translate the established network of 28 charging stations into commercial operation at the first stage, as well as construction of new ones for provision of purchased electric vehicles with the necessary infrastructure."

For reference:

The pilot project “MOESK EV” stipulated establishment of a network of 28 charging stations of various types. During implementation of the project, the software system for managing a network of charging stations was developed and put into test operation (a certificate of state registration of computer software was received), as well as prototypes of smart charging stations (patent pending). Test operation of 8 electric vehicles of JSC "MOESK" was carried out. A business model for participation of JSC "MOESK" in further development of the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in the territory of Moscow and the Moscow Area was elaborated.

The main goals and objectives of the project MOESK EV” were:

• improvement of efficiency of use of electrical distribution grids through use of controlled distributed load;
• increase in the factor of filling daily load schedule through shift in demand during hours of minimum load;
• improvement of efficiency of use of own vehicle stock through increase in the share of electric vehicles;
• development of intellectual network infrastructure having feedback from consumers, as part of implementation of the integrated strategy for implementation of smart grids;
• improvement of the ecological situation in Moscow.

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