
The branch of JSC "Moscow United Electric Grid Company" - Central Electric Grids (CEG) completes the first stage of the reconstruction of the substation (S) 110/10/6 kV "Koptevo."

IMG_3649.JPGThe indoor switchgear of 6 kV, which is equipped with cells of complete distribution device of 6 kV of series K-104 with vacuum circuit breakers has been built and is ready for commissioning. To increase reliability and capacity of the feeding center, transformer T-4 of 40.5 MVA in capacity and 110-10-6 kV in voltage with gas-insulated circuit breaker and modern bus isolator of outdoor mounting was installed additionally.

The 6 kV indoor switchgear also has a new relay board, two batteries, panels of direct current and own needs, reactors and transformers. Currently equipment is setting.

New cable tunnels have been constructed, which will be translated into cables of 6 - 10 kV from the old cable channels. After transfer of 6 kV cables to the new ISG of 6 kV, the old unit will be dismantled and indoor switchgear of 10 kV will be installed in its place.

IMG_3658.JPGAccording to the chief of the District High Voltage Electric Grids of the Northern Administrative District of Central Electric Grids Andrey Protasov, energizing of ISG-6 kV is scheduled for the 3rd quarter of this year.

“Reconstruction of "Koptevo" S began in the autumn of 2011. During that time, large scale works were carried out aimed at modernizing the substation. Its main aim is to improve reliability and quality of electricity supply, including of many social objects: subway, JSC "Mosgorsvet" MUE "Mosgortrans" and others. The final stage of reconstruction of "Koptevo" S will include replacement of transformer T-3 and T-4 of 40.5 MVA in capacity by new 63 MVA ones, which will significantly increase capacity of the feeding center, and will enable connection of new consumers,” the director of the CEG Roman Voinov said.

Before the end of the year, it is planned to assign over RUR 45 million for reconstruction of "Koptevo" S. Completion of reconstruction of the facility is scheduled for the year 2016.