
The stock of special equipment of Moscow United Electric Grid Company (MOESK), which supplies electricity to about 17 million customers in the Moscow Region, has included 67 mobile power plants (MPP). Thus, today, power specialists’ stock has 145 MPP of various capacities. If necessary, backup power sources can be sent to anywhere in Moscow and the Moscow Area for quick connection of consumers to electricity.

The new equipment was transferred to the ownership of the company’s five branches - southern, northern, eastern and western ones, as well as to Moscow Cable Grids. Capacity of MPP which were accepted into service varies: from 88 to 600 kW.

“These power plants are usually required to hold repairs or emergency-recovery works in order to avoid interruptions in power supply and the fastest possible connection of consumers. In addition, MOESK developed a special layout of MPP placement, which takes into account the territorial remoteness of the possible location of the accident and traffic situation in the Moscow Region, thus allowing to optimize the delivery time of backup energy source,” Andrey Miridonov, Deputy Technical Director for distribution grids of JSC “MOESK” explains.

Moreover, the stock of Moscow power engineers includes a mobile substation of 25 MVA and voltage of 110/10/6 kV. It is designed for rapid supply of power in case of emergency power cutout at the feeding center. Deployment time of the mobile substation does not exceed 12 hours of arrival at the facility. The substation can energize five 6-10 kV feeders and provide electricity to a residential settlement town with the population of about 30 thousand people, for example such as Vidnoe, a town in the Moscow Area.

On the whole, the stock of MOESK has more than 3,500 vehicles, including over 1,700 units of special equipment (brigade vehicles, autohydraulic hoists, crane-drilling machines, snow and swamp-going vehicles, amphibious vehicles, etc.). Renewal of the equipment stock is performed taking into account obsolescence and depreciation, according to the company’s long-term target program in this area.