
In 2013, JSC "MOESK" completed a number of innovative projects aimed at improving the quality of the performance indicators of the grid company operation, including through the establishment of a modern electric grid infrastructure on the world standards level.

The implemented research and development includes the creation of infrastructure for electric vehicles in Moscow. The pilot network of 28 charging stations was built. Testing of electric cars of various configurations was held, including in winter conditions. The electric vehicles for the needs of emergency field brigades were purchased and are operated, including a unique measuring electric laboratory. The own model of "smart" electric charging station was patented, as well as the software system enabling to track the operational parameters of the smart grid. Currently, a prototype model of a charging station for public electric vehicles - electric buses is created.

The research work on the levels of switching surges in reactive grids of enlarged reactive resistance was held. Approaches to constructing of the network subject to the peculiarities of the Moscow energy system were defined. The goal is reducing the cost of reconstruction of the electricity grid while reducing the short circuit currents in the grids of 110 kV and above.

A comprehensive study of the use of DC links in the MOESK grid was performed, and algorithms for their control defined in order to increase controllability of the grids.

To improve the automation ability of the process of voltage regulation (to improve the reliability of power supply), the algorithms for determining the need and places for automatic tools of voltage drop protection were studied.

Currently, the economic expediency of using various means of reactive power compensation in MOESK grids is defined with the aim of systematizing the existing and future developments in the field of voltage regulation.

Another research work carried out for the needs of MOESK today is assessment of the electrodynamic and thermal effects of short circuit currents (SCC) at overhead lines with the growth of operating currents and SCC.

MOESK says that the key areas of the company innovation development are innovative technologies and components of the "smart" distribution grid. In the context of the development of the Smart Grid, the innovative systems and methods of measurement, communication, control and switching are distinguished as well. Creation and development of new customer services, implementation of innovation in business processes and company management are important.

The Innovation Policy implemented by MOESK allows for improvement of the overall reliability and availability of the grid infrastructure, achievement of the significant performance indicators in improving the efficiency of the company. It is about improving the efficiency of use of equipment, reducing losses and costs of electricity transmission, reducing the unit capex per unit of capacity input and power lines, energy resources savings for industrial and domestic needs, enhancing productivity and environmental efficiency of the energy sector for long-term sustainable development.