

On the year of the sixth anniversary of the charity event of JSC "MOESK" "Kind electricity for children", the heroes of the popular animated series "Fixiki" became its visual embodiment. Rebranding of the campaign includes a new design of the visual-propaganda materials distributed by the specialists of the company occupational safety service at the electrical safety lessons in the educational institutions of the Moscow Region.

The main information about the risks associated with the use of electricity will be delivered to the schoolchildren and kindergarten children in the classroom by the representatives of MOESK, and famous children characters - Simka, Nopik, Papus, Masya, Dedus, Fire, Verta, Shpoolya and Igrek - will remind children about electrical safety rules appearing on posters, rulers, schedules of lessons, bookmarks, magnets, coloring books and other souvenirs.

In addition, the company plans to present at each lesson the teacher or tutor of the kindergarten with a DVD disk with cartoons from the series "Fixiki" on "Electrical safety". The disk will also have the method of holding a lesson developed by the occupational safety service of MOESK, and layouts of printing products, which can be used for independent organization of the lesson. A set of posters with electric safety rules and images of prohibition signs placed at energy facilities will be given to a teacher as assistance.

13.jpg"The diversity of visualization forms of electrical safety rules will help to adapt and fix them in the memory of today's children who have grown up in the new digital environment, which implies a dynamic, balanced and vivid presentation of the material. The concept of the series "Fixiki" suits this purpose best of all. Curious characters discovering the secrets of the equipment operation, and they caught young viewers’ attention so much. It will be interesting and exciting for children to obtain new knowledge with their help", the director of the Public Relations Department of JSC "MOESK" Lyudmila Dusheina says.

"Prevention of electric traumas of third parties, including children, is one of the most important activities of the company,” the head of the occupational health services of JSC "MOESK" Igor Makuha says. In 2013, we held more than 150 lessons on electrical safety at the educational institutions in the Moscow Region, which were attended by more than 6,000 children. To warn children about the danger of electric shock, to teach the rules of safe handling of electricity from an early age, behavior near energy facilities is the duty of not only energy specialists but also teachers and parents."

The Internet users (teachers and parents) have an opportunity to submit an electronic application for the lesson to be held and leave their comments on the lesson which has already been held, in the appropriate section on the company website http://www.moesk.ru/press/spec_projects/dobroeel/.

This section already contains the layouts of new printed materials (posters, timetables, coloring book, etc.) that can be downloaded by anyone who likes to do it, for example, to illustrate the conversation with your child about the electrical safety rules or to hold the topic-related lesson at the school or kindergarten.

For reference:
The action "Kind electricity for children" has been held since 2009. For five years, the employees of MOESK have organized classes at more than 700 children's educational institutions and summer health improving camps in the Moscow Area, which have been attended by more than 42 thousand children. The experience of holding the action "Kind electricity for children" shows that the knowledge gained by children during lessons on electrical safety reduces risks of electrical traumas among students of all age groups.