
For the past half year the specialists of MOESK accepted 39,294 applications from the customers for the grid connection to the electric grids. The quantity of the applications for the similar period of year 2013 amounted to 40,018. At the same time, the number of the concluded grid connection contracts has increased by 14.5%. As at the end of June of 2014 the Company concluded 33,529, and in the first half year of the last year – 29,300 contracts.

Based on the results of the half year, MOESK has shown the stable dynamics of the quantity increase of the executed grid connection contracts to the electric grids. As at the end of June 23,672 contracts were executed.

MOESK recommends its customers not to spend their time for trips up and down the city and queuing in a customer office, but rather to make use of an interactive service (portal "Grid connection" on the company website – utp.moesk.ru). There is the section there: "An electronic application acceptance" where one may file documents and an application by Internet. Besides that, anyone who has filed an application for grid connection, has an opportunity to get the information about a status of its consideration directly in the "client area" of an applicant, through sms-informing or by e-mail.

MOESK has been the first in the Moscow Region to introduce such service for its customers, and it's becoming more and more popular. Over 8 % of the applications were filed via the portal of MOESK as at the end of June of the current year.