
Moscow Cable Grids – a branch of JSC "MOESK" provides extra power to city clinical hospitals No. 31 and No. 71, located in the west of the capital city. The power engineers plan to complete the works till the end of July.

To connect the new equipment in the bulks of hospital No. 71, the specialists have laid over 100 meters of the cable lines with 10 kV voltage for tie-in into the existing grid, and have installed a new transformer substation with two transformers by 1,250 kW.

The transformer substation with the transformers of 630 kVA capacity has been constructed for hospital No. 31. The tie-in into the grid has been made and 0.4 kV cable lines have been laid, what covers also the growing needs of the hospital in power supply.

Deputy chief doctor for construction of hospital No. 31 Dmitry Shapiro explained, that the extra power had been needed to connect the bulk in which the capital repair has been made and the most advanced equipment has been installed. He specified the high organized nature and high-quality works performance by the power engineers.

Moscow sets the pace and standards of the new life, including in the field of health protection, as they specify in MOESK. To fulfill the programs adopted by the Moscow Government, implemented within the framework of the presidential decrees as to the social policy and in the field of the health protection, the power engineers are also improving the grid connection procedure for the timely voltage supply to facilities.