
A video guide was launched at the MOESK specialized Technological Connection Portal available at http://utp.moesk.ru/, which will help a user to complete “My profile” registration and provide a step-by-step explanation of how a certain request is submitted (technological connection, capacity redistribution or re-registration, additional services, etc.). Using the video guide, an applicant can also get answers to the frequently asked questions.

The video guide can be viewed on all modern web browsers and it starts only at the request of the user. In order to start using the virtual assistant one just needs to click on the banner showing a girl.

According to MOESK, the Technological Connection Portal is regularly updated taking into account the current trends in development of interactive services and wishes of the users. Usefulness of the portal is confirmed by a growing interest in the resource: since the beginning of 2014 the portal was visited by over 300 000 people, which is 25% more than in the same period last year.

The number of the company customers that use the “On-line technological connection request” service is growing steadily. Currently, over 12% of the total number of connection request submitted this year have been made using the “Personal profile”.

For reference:
The Technological Connection Portal contains all the information necessary for customers including standard forms of requests and contracts, instructions for the various categories of applicants, time frame, technological connection costs and an on-line calculator for preliminary calculation.