
Moscow United Electric Grid Company (a company of the Rosseti Group) put into operation “Presnya” cable tunnel for 220 kV aerial cable line “Matveevskaya – Presnya, curcuit 1, 2”. The tunnel runs under the Moscow River and Filevskaya metro line. After the renovation completed by JSC “MOESK” within the framework of the investment program of the company, the transmission capacity of the line doubled reaching 1000 amperes.

“The project is primarily aimed at improving reliability of the electrical energy supply and quality of the electrical energy supplied. In addition, there will be a possibility for technological connection of new consumers in Western Administrative District of Moscow. It is also important that renovation of the facility allowed for improving the safety and reducing the labor intensity in exploitation of the cable line,” said Oleg Chaus, Director of High Voltage Cable Grids, a branch of JSC “MOESK”.

The cable line has a complex route. It crosses the Moscow River and Kutuzovsky prospekt as well as 1812 goda, Denisa Davydova and Generala Yermolova streets as well as Kievskaya railway and Filevskaya metro line. At the complex sections of the route, 326 meters of tunnels were dug under the Moscow River in the area of Moscow City business center.


Ivan Navitsky, Deputy Head of the Fuel and Energy Department of the city of Moscow, said: “Putting into operation this high-capacity and modern cable tunnel is very important for Moscow. In contrast to other regions where it is possible to use overhead power transmission lines, in the capital there is a program on transferring external lines to cable tunnels that do not take up the precious space and cannot be seen but are capacious and easy to maintain.”

The total length of the cable line is 4.68 km, there were laid over 32 km of cable and installed 60 cable coupling sleeves and 12 cable end sleeves.

Development and implementation of the engineering project plan took 4 years, the construction itself took 2 years and the cost totaled RUR 450 mn.