
Today PJSC "Rosseti Moscow Region" published its financial statements for 2020 prepared in accordance with Russian accounting standards.

Key financial indicators

Ser. No. Indicator name 2020 2019 The change,%
1 Revenue 162,799 160,376 1.5
- from electric power transmission 149,715 148,567 0.8
- from technical connection 9,696 8,754 10.8
- from other activities. 3,388 3,055 10.9
2 Prime cost (144,617) (139,861) 3.4
3 EBITDA 35,791 40,496 -11.6
4 Net profit 4,798 8,009 -40.1
5 Loans and credits 81,195 88,576 -8.3
6 Net debt 80,036 87,245 -8.3

The company's revenue amounted to 162.8 billion rubles, which is 1.5% higher than the same indicator for 2019. Despite the negative impact on operating activities of factors related to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the Company achieved revenue growth in all operating segments.

The Company has implemented a set of measures in terms of managing operating costs, reducing the debt portfolio and financial expenses, prioritizing investment projects and optimizing working capital.

At the cost price, dynamics below the CPI level is provided. The increase in the cost price is mainly due to an increase in conditionally uncontrolled expenses for the services of territorial network organizations based on the results of tariff and balance decisions, as well as expenses related to the prevention of COVID-19.

Net profit - in the amount of 4.8 billion rubles. A negative impact on the financial result was caused by a change in the amount of provisions for estimated liabilities for possible property tax expenses.

Additional information regarding the company's final performance indicators is disclosed in the explanatory note to the financial statements.